Wills and Estates


An Estate package comprises documents which give legally binding instructions in case you are deceased or rendered unable to make decisions on your own behalf. Having these legal documents in place gives peace of mind to your family and loved ones, and can also help them prevent a lengthy and expensive legal process. Our Wills and Estates lawyers would be happy to discuss both documents with you to ensure that you and your assets are protected in the case of unpredictable circumstances.


Every adult in Alberta should have a valid Will that they review regularly. Through a Will, you provide legally binding instructions about some of the most important elements of your life; in the absence of a Will, the government will make these decisions for you. Wills commonly address:

  • Who you trust to be the Guardian of your children if you pass away while they are minors;
  • How your property is to be distributed amongst your friends and family; and,
  • Who should be responsible for ensuring your wishes are followed.

We would be happy to sit down with you to discuss your specific needs and concerns to ensure that your Will reflects your wishes.

Enduring Power of Attorney and Personal Directive

An Enduring Power of Attorney and a Personal Directive should form part of your Estate package. With an Enduring Power of Attorney, you grant another person the authority to make financial and legal decisions on your behalf. A Personal Directive allows another person to make personal decisions, including what medical care you receive, where you live, and who you socialize with, based on the instructions you provide.

Both documents serve to protect you and your assets in the event that you are rendered incapable of making decisions on your own behalf due to a medical illness or accident. Without them in place, your family may be forced to go through a lengthy and expensive process to obtain the authority needed to take care of you.

Our Wills and Estates Lawyers

Sammy Binder


780.426.4133 Ext 300


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Russell A. Flint

Tax Advisor, Senior Associate

780.426.4133 Ext 303


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Chad C. Bowie

Senior Associate

780.426.4133 Ext 301


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Ivon S. Chauhan

Associate Lawyer

780.426.4133 Ext 316


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Rami Johal

Associate Lawyer

 780.426.4133 Ext 244


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Alexander T. Farries


780.426.4133 Ext 233


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Jarrett Tilley

Associate Lawyer

780.426.4133 Ext 243


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